We see ourselves as a grassroots sports club and would like to support sporting talent in the competitive area as well as introduce children and young people to the simple fun of the ball and sport in general.

The focus of JR MIROOL e. V. is on youth work, integration and health promotion. 

Our aim is to teach children and young people to stay on the ball and to learn and keep the fun of movement and sport. Through preventive action, we try to help the children and young people deal with issues such as aggression and respect, racism and solidarity and find their way in social interaction. 

We see sport as the royal road to prevention. 

Especially in the area of violence prevention among young people! 

Here, children and young people from different cultural backgrounds meet and learn the value of cohesion as a community through football and club life. 

They encounter the dimension of the social necessity of togetherness in interaction, in competition and also in rivalry and can better channel and control their feelings, including aggression, through exercise.

We attach great importance to close communication between our members and the departments of the club. 

The heart of our club is our coaches, who stand out for their high level of commitment to our football youth and in our prevention work. 

They all do incredibly important work for our youth!

Our motto is "PUSH YOUR LIMIT"! 
Dare to always do a little more than you think you can do to push your limit and expand your horizons.

With sporty greetings 
Joss Rwenge
Board of Directors JR Mirool e. V.


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